Francisco Presencia

Maker. Programmer. Escritor. デザイナー。

Contact Resume

I'm a Maker at heart, so I love taking a raw thought and building it to completion, whether one of my own or something I find interesting.
This means that while I enjoy Javascript the most, I have used many languages and tech. Enjoy my website and feel free to ask me anything 😄

Selected Products

Choice of those that were designed, programmed and delivered by me:

Open Source Repositories

While I have many repositories I think these are some of my best:

⭐ 3.5k 💻 server

Powerful and secure server for Node.js with websockets

⭐ 65 ⚛️ statux

State management library for React with immutable state

⭐ 6 🛣 crossroad

A routing library for React with a familiar interface

⭐ 2.4k 🍫 brownies

Delicious cookies, local and session storage manipulation

⭐ 1.8kumbrellajs

Lightweight library for DOM manipulation and events

⭐ 763 📊 drive-db

Google Drive Spreadsheets as your local database

⭐ 321 📚 legally

Check the licenses of npm dependency tree

⭐ 89 🈂️ translate

Translate text on node.js and the browser with promises

⭐ 19 📜 react-test

Testing library for React to verify your components work

Tech Writing

I enjoy writing my thinking and some times I publish it. Here are my recent entries:

🚀 Aggressive idea execution

What I learned after 5 years of consciously improving on making projects and products.

🤯 Running PHP in Javascript

I could get a basic PHP version transpiling and running in pure Javascript. No server needed.

🌠 Transferring Github stars

Explanation of how I moved stars to a new project from an old and undeserving library.

✨ Better Promises

Exploring the limitations of Javascript's Promises and what I did to overcome them.

🙋 Getting a great npm name

Discovered a way to get taken npm names and shared it with the Javascript community.

🏹 Async/Await are awesome

How these ES7 features can improve and simplify asynchronous Javascript greatly.


Quick prototypes, work in progress or abandoned experiments I've done in Javascript:

Terminal video

Simulate terminal, browser and editor for quick code examples

Stereo depth

Find the depth of distributed borders of a stereo image pair

Crypto messages

Encrypt/Decrypt securely in front-end javascript

SVG generator

Generate pleasant SVG images randomly

Hyper speed

A canvas visualization with star wars hyper speed

Tree visualization

Visualization of JSON and HTML trees with pure css